Animal cruelty -- knowing someone who does this makes me feel so sad. When will they ever stop hurting those poor animals? When will they realize how badly they treat those lovely creations? I just couldn't take seeing how animals suffer from other people's diabolic deeds which they don't deserve. My heart bleeds and grieves for them. If only I can do something to stop those rude people from doing any further damages to our creatures.
I am very passionate towards animals. I care for them deeply. Some may be dangerous, but humans shouldn't inflict pain to them. I get daunted whenever I read news about people torturing dogs, cats and even the deadliest predators in the world. Why do they have minds like that of a lunatic person? Don't they know that animals have feelings as well? Maybe they really don't know. I just hope they change their minds someday. I know it's never too late.
The Almighty Creator created the humans to be the stewards, not the destroyers of the Earth. Taking care of our ecosystem also means taking care of all the organisms it has, especially the animals. We're supposed to protect and maintain other life systems here in the world, and not to murder them instead.
Whenever I know of people who don't have the heart and conscience to treat animals properly, I give an immediate dislike to them. If they can't be good to animals, how much more to other people? I despise those people who have cruel intentions towards other life forms. I'm totally down on them! They're repulsive and abominable criminals. Shame on them!
I am ultimately glad that there are still good people who don't hold back in fighting for animals' welfare and rights. I am seriously grateful to God for having the People for Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) around. I may not be their official member, but in my heart I am. I pray that with their presence, people will learn to love animals like their own. I hope those cruel people get tired, and eventually cease their wicked actions towards the helpless animals.
No life is a waste. We don't have the right to make life any harder for others. To all the PETA supporters out there, let us not be lackadaisical in saving the lives of the animals we hold dear. Let us do our part in helping them live peacefully with other human beings. We must learn to cultivate that value. Screw the thought of beating them to death. In any case, I know there is still hope. So, help us God.
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i'm with you on that!
stop animal cruelty!
Animals should be loved. Anyway, Ms. Z my boyfriend says you look familiar. :)
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